If you are in the South/Central TX area, you can help the injured troops and civilians from Ft. Hood by donating blood and platelets.
here are some locations where you can donate:
Scott and White Hospital:
The Akeroyd Blood Donor Center at Ft. Sam Houston is open Monday through Friday 7:30 - 2:00 p.m. for walk-ins.Appointments are also available during duty hours. Blood drives can be scheduled on the weekend with prior approval.
Please call 210-295-4655 to make an appointment or schedule a group or unit blood drive.
They will take civilian donors as well.
The South Texas Blood and Tissue Center is also doing their part to help with the wounded. The organization has sent 10 units of blood to Scott & White Hospital in Temple along with 6 units to the Austin Blood Center.
Currently, the community supply is in need of platelet donations. Call STBTC to schedule an appointment at 731-5590.
Also, I'd like to spread the word about one place where citizens can donate. Here is an email, reprinted in full, that Mike with Take a Soldier Fishing sent me:
(begin quote)
Hello everyone. Some of you may get this email a couple of times due to the way that my Outlook is set up, please forgive me. Our operations are based next to Ft Hood and this tragedy hits very close to home. For anyone that has a passion for the military men and women this type of thing hits hard. Especially if you know someone that is stationed here. I am sending out this email as a way that you can make a specific difference in the lives of the victims of this shooting. We are asking for monetary donations to directly help the families that are affected. There are a number of organizations that are showing support and we all know that the holidays are coming soon. Some of these families will be without someone, making it even more difficult. Children will need gifts, turkey dinners, Christmas dinners and so on. You get the picture. If anyone of you know who I am, you know that I hate the need to be RE-active VS. being PRO-active but here we are as the picture unfolds before us. The fact of the matter is there are families that now have someone missing and they need our support. Forget the media for now and they why and the how come and let's band together and make a difference. Together we can make a difference in these soldiers and families life. They were brought to the war front prematurely and without being armed and no one ever says that is bound to happen...but it did. Now is the time to be reactive and help who we can right now and let our soldiers overseas know that America is still behind them no matter where they are.
Please pass this email around to all of your friends and to their friends and so on. Please donate to help this effort so that we can help these families. This is what we are about -- SOLDIERS HELPING SOLDIERS --
Please keep these soldiers and their families in your heart and prayers.
We will be accepting donations to support the families in the aftermath to help them pick up the pieces and help them move forward. When making a donation please annotate "FT HOOD" on the donation.
For PayPal or Credit Card you can go here:
If mailing a check please make the check out to:
Combat Warrior Crisis Network
3450 FM 1829
Gatesville, Tx 76528
Together we can make a difference!
Mike Nashif
Mike Nashif - President
Combat Warrior Crisis Network
Freedom Isn't Free!
(end quote)
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago